IKM Morsetelegrafie - Picture Depot : 16. 5. 2012 11:30
UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) papers & pictures
Pictures might be used by IARU - members

Picture selection 16MAY2012

Junker key
1: Typical Morse code key
Telegraph Mexico (wiki)
2: Historic Morse code recorder (Mexico)
TX Station Villa Griffone
3: Operator at historic 1/2 kW Marconi transmitter,
FGM Villa Griffone, Bologna, Italy (Marschner)
Morsecode recording <br>samples
4: Sample of Morse code paper recordings
5: Morse code signaling by light
6: Visual Morse code examples
TX Station 1917 operator Gabriel senior
7: Operator at a 1917 military station (Gabriel,sen.)
Radio Officer with headset
8: Professional operator copy Morsce code with
headphone "Traffic List" in maritime mobile service
TX Station 1966 operator Gabriel junior
9: Maritime coast station 1966 Kiel (Gabriel,jun.)
Spark transmitter
10: Historic spark inductor transmitter,
FGM Villa Griffone, Bologna, Italy

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