IKM - Interest Group cultural heritage on Morsecode Telegraphy
List of events - What happens when ?

Who What When
Namibia: New first contact IKM - Namibia supporter30JUL13
IKM: Circular letter 2 to selected IARU members 28JUL13
Turkey: TARC President respond to circular letter 1 17MAR13
IKM: Circular letter 1 to selected IARU members 15MAR13
Portugal: IKM meets Portugal Amateur Radio Leage VP at Lisboa 04MAR13
IKM: IKM meets & talks to Danish people on ICH 11NOV14
Netherlands: Veron proposal registered in NL ICH 07NOV14
IKM: IKM meets & talks Grimeton people for ICH in SE 28MAR14
IKM: Circular letter 2 to selected IARU members 28JUL13
Italy : Proposal to national UNESCO committee 26JUL13
Turkey: TARC President respond to circular letter 1 17MAR13
IKM: Circular letter 1 to selected IARU members 15MAR13
Portugal: IKM meets Portugal Amateur Radio Leage VP at Lisboa 04MAR13
Belgium: Proposal to national UNESCO committee 21JAN13
Germany: German Government commenced ratification process toward ICH12Dec12
Italy : Proposal to national UNESCO committee (nc, Dec12-rev)
Poland: Proposal to national UNESCO committee (nc, Dec12)
IARU Region 1: Informal circular letter to IARU region 1 society members
by region 1 President H.B. Timmerman
IARU Region 1: IARU Region I AGM Sun City decided to undertake efforts toward
an UNESCO ICH on telegraphny
Germany &
IKM travels to Bologna and visit "Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi (FGM)"
at Villa Griffone for call of cooperation
(Version 05NOV14)
nc = not confirmed