The Art of Morsecode Communication

Working Group on UNESCO - Intangible Cultural Heritag (ICH):
IKM - "Interessengruppe Kulturerbe Morsetelegrafie"

Prepared UNESCO application documents ICH02 & ICH07 to be used
by IARU - member societies & other contributors in english language.
You are free to copy and alter documents as necessary for your own
application towards your national UNESCO representativ in your country

Please keep in mind, that only this national representatives are
privileged to file in applications to the annual UNESCO general assembly
for recognition of 'intangible cultural heritage' !

Archive of valid documents as per 10th October 2013

Papers compiled by IKM

All documents in ZIP-archive format >>>    [2.8 mByte] files might be "unziped" by user

Documet name on download Document content Document date
Guidelines for IARU member societies.doc Guidelines for entries to UNESCO ICH form, English (Word) 15MAY12
ICH02-draft14052012.docUNESCO form ICH-02 draft, English (Word) 14MAY12
ICH07-EN-14052012.docUNESCO form ICH-07 draft, English (Word) 04JAN13
UNESCO CW Heritage.pdf Letter from President Region 1 to member societies, English (Word) DEC12
UAI_countries.docIARU & UNESCO-ICH membership countries 12FEB12
Picture01toICH-07.jpgPicture  1: Morse code key 12FEB12
Picture02toICH-07.jpgPicture  2: Historic Morse code recorder 12FEB12
Picture03toICH-07.jpgPicture  3: Operator at historic 1/2 kWatt transmitter 12FEB12
Picture04toICH-07.jpgPicture  4: Sample of Morse code paper recordings 12FEB12
Picture05toICH-07.jpgPicture  5: Morse code signaling by light 12FEB12
Picture06toICH-07.jpgPicture  6: Visual Morse code examples 12FEB12
Picture07toICH-07.jpgPicture  7: Operator at a 1917 military station 12FEB12
Picture08toICH-07.jpgPicture  8: Professional operator copy Morse code 12FEB12
Picture09toICH-07.jpgPicture  9: Operator at maritime coastal station 12FEB12
Picture10toICH-07.jpgPicture 10: Historic spark inductor transmitter 12FEB12

Overall quick look at picture selection >>>> piclisteng.html

All documents might be downloaded to your computer ! ("right mouse click" on document & "save as" select)    Contact author of this webpage : "dl8hci ( # ) darc . de" ( delete blanks and alter # to add sign ) !    Version 10OCT13